link to me

- Want to exchange links? contact me!
friends & family
cliques, fanlistings, etc.
cliques & claims
- Kurogane/Fay D Fluorite (TSUBASA: RESERvoir CHRoNiCLE) is my one true pairing
- This Barbie is a librarian!
- Vash the Stampede (TRIGUN STAMPEDE) is the guardian of this website.
- bookworms // always rereading Redwall
- My song is "Walk to the Water" (U2)
- I drink Earl Grey with too much sugar
- changeling fae
- layout design: sadgrl 's layout builder & (SCUMSUCK) 's exchange letter template with help from
- host: Neocities
- gallery code: Juicebox
with help from rabbitpiedreams at smallweb in "troubleshooting JavaScript gallery "

additional resources
web design resources
web revival theory
- What is the web revival?
- Every site needs a links page: why linking matters
- The internet used to be* fun
- A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden
- You don't have to be a "content creator" to have a personal website